Steam pet 1st release May 2023

Our Frontiers campaign continues for a few more days on MMF:

Some of you have expressed a wish to see other characters from the campaign realised in miniature version.

And we have pleased you, so here are the rabbit, the bull and the pig!

Mr. Shook is a rabbit of noble origins, and he certainly doesn’t hide it! He always goes around decked out in extravagant, often unfashionable garb.

Not much is known about him except that he likes to spend his days sipping tea in aristocratic salons.

He always manages to find an invitation, well, he’s so cute after all!

Robert is a rugged bull, but despite his appearance, which can instil terror, he is a very good, kind, and always generous person.

But be careful not to make him angry, when he loses his temper he becomes a fury and I recommend you run away while you can, his charge is devastating!

General Gladwine is a veteran of the steam war.

In battle, he was definitely a stand-up guy, but now he enjoys a well-earned rest, and he doesn’t mind showing his medals around with great pride.

His favourite hobby is attending the reunions of his old comrades, although he often has a little too much to drink!