A perpetual calendar to beautify your bookshelf and desk. For 3D printing.
Our studio now warrants solid experience, ranging from the world of collectible miniatures, to resin 3d printing, to filament 3d printing, to the creation of decorative home-themed objects.
And this new project is from the latter category!
After the successes of our “the Scenic Library” campaigns with our book ends, today we bring you another item to grace your desks and bookshelves: A perpetual calendar!
PLEASE NOTE – This Kickstarter is for digital files (STLs) to make all these items on your own home 3D printer – these are not physical goods **
The project involves making 3d models that go to create a perpetual calendar.
The structure consists of six parts: a body with a cylinder, on which the 4 rotaries will be threaded that will indicate, month, number and day.
Finally, a lid for closure.
All elements are created to be printed without the aid of supports.
But not only that, we made the models in two scales, the first to please owners of more modestly sized resin printers, in fact the models have a diameter of about 73mm.
The second version, on the other hand, allows you to create a larger object, ideal for wire printers or resin printers of more generous sizes, with a diameter of about 100mm.
Thanks to its rotating rings that indicate days and months, it is possible to keep an up-to-date universal calendar.
Available with engraved or embossed numbers and letters, depending on one’s liking and ease of printing.
Let’s go now to discover the models of this campaign, there are for all tastes, from lovers of fantasy, to those of sci-fi without neglecting lovers of the steampunk world!
During the campaign, as is our custom, we will collect all your suggestions for the creation of new sculptures to be implemented in the kickstarter.
Your support and your interaction with the campaign will be our stimulus in creating stretch goals, so do not forget to share the project with your friends and on your social networks.
rotating for languages: English with alternative font, Italian, Spanish,German and French.(The flower is just rappressentative for the rendering, the vase is empty.)alternative without language, supports requiredResin TestPLA test
and by subscribing to the newsletter you will find another free character!
Welcome to an amazing new Crosslances branded competition!
Today we are here to introduce you our second 3D printing game.
After the success of Rough and Tumble, this time we want to change the game type, moving to what we can call a skirmish competition.
A no-holds-barred competition in which whoever crosses the finish line first wins, but that doesn’t exclude some surprises: fights, brawls and fouls are around the corner.
Are you ready to enter into the fray?
The game stipulates that the one who crosses the finish line first wins.
The first feature of the game is that you can draw your track!
When you were kids, how many times did you play with toy cars or with toy bricks and draw the tracks on which you could let your imagination run? We did it a lot of times!
And that’s where the game came from, from the idea of recreating those tracks, but playing them as a game with well organized rules.
You can find the rules on our website, ready to download!
Every car plays its turn and it can execute some actions: select the gear that will designate the maneuvers to execute, select the silhouette of a maneuver, place it on the board in front of the “pins” and determine the movement of the car, and finally fight and use the special abilities that every character possesses.
And off to victory!
The rules of the game are available in Italian and English, including all the cards.
In addition, we used an AI to make both cards and rules for the languages French, Spanish and German.
All RULES can be DOWNLOADED FREE from our website at:
PLEASE NOTE – This Kickstarter is for digital files (STLs) to make all these items on your own home 3D printer – these are not physical goods **
All models have been presupported (where necessary)
Several printing tests have been carried out to get the Best result possible, and we hope that you will also get an optimal result with your printers.
Cross lances is committed, as always, to solving any problem you can encounter in printing, fixing the files and creating together with you an ever-improving product.
But if you want to find out more, bookmark our kickstarter and get ready for the launch!
After the success of Rough and Tumble, this time we want to change the game type, moving to what we can call a skirmish competition.
A no-holds-barred competition in which whoever crosses the finish line first wins, but that doesn’t exclude some surprises: fights, brawls and fouls are around the corner.
Some of you have expressed a wish to see other characters from the campaign realised in miniature version.
And we have pleased you, so here are the rabbit, the bull and the pig!
Mr. Shook is a rabbit of noble origins, and he certainly doesn’t hide it! He always goes around decked out in extravagant, often unfashionable garb.
Not much is known about him except that he likes to spend his days sipping tea in aristocratic salons.
He always manages to find an invitation, well, he’s so cute after all!
Robert is a rugged bull, but despite his appearance, which can instil terror, he is a very good, kind, and always generous person.
But be careful not to make him angry, when he loses his temper he becomes a fury and I recommend you run away while you can, his charge is devastating!
General Gladwine is a veteran of the steam war.
In battle, he was definitely a stand-up guy, but now he enjoys a well-earned rest, and he doesn’t mind showing his medals around with great pride.
His favourite hobby is attending the reunions of his old comrades, although he often has a little too much to drink!
We started sculpting them many years ago to participate in local competitions.
And they have not failed to get noticed, taking home some important trophies such as the Grog at Lucca comics and game.
But now the time has come to make these sculptures available to everyone!
The series is inspired by our beloved pets that accompany us every day and brighten our days, but with the addition of a fantastic steampunk-themed note that could amuse any painter.
Who is your pet at home? We have a beautiful black and white kitty!
The first four sculptures we carved represent some of the animals we most often find in our homes: a fish, a cat, a dog and a parrot.
but let’s get to know our little friends one by one!
Each part is available in STL version, ready for your 3d printer.
Each sculpture is also available in Chitubox version.
George is a communications officer in Liberty city’s secret service. With his equipment, he can intercept every single piece of information!
And if he should happen to be a hostage of some bad guy, rest assured George will be…. mute as a fish!
Edward Van Pivullen is an aristocratic cat.
They say he comes from the north and has moved here for studies, but one thing is certain: his family is very wealthy.
At first glance, he may seem a bit haughty and sometimes touchy and spiteful, but in the end he is the best friend there is.
Carlo is the ace of the skies of Italian aviation!
Seeing him fly in his biplane is truly enchanting.
With his acrobatics he has made his mark in combat and his fame now spans the continents.
But he is as graceful and graceful in the skies as he is… er… dumb when he hits the ground.
Ethan is the town doctor.
With his bowler hat he goes around town happily.
Everyone in the village loves him, because he treats patients and is always a good talker.
A little curiosity: he can repeat any medical book exactly by memory!
In this campaign you can choose from three different levels of tiers:
you can choose a single sculpture, or the whole group including possible milestone.
And finally, you can also buy the rights to print and resell these sculptures!
$182 left
$382 left
$582 left
$782 left
By buying the rights of these files you will be
Allowed to:
print the 3D miniatures
print them for friends
Print in 3D and resell the printed miniature in 3D
-use render-prints and other derivatives of the file for promotional purposes.
-modify the file according to needs and educational purposes
Modified derivative files may be sold printed in 3D
-use the models inside videogames, indicating their origin -use templates for videos and creative projects
Not allowed:
Use the files to create molds for mass production
sell the files for profit
distribute the file to third parties
-sell the sculptures to shopkeepers and retailers
-grant intellectual rights to third parties
-Authorize third parties to sell the sculptures, in any form whatsoever
-indicate crosslances studio as assistance for sculptures sold to clients.
-use the sculptures for profit in any form not specified in the contract
-sell any intellectual property of crosslances and colalboratories without having signed this contract
any item not specified in the contract shall be deemed unauthorised unless expressly permitted by crosslances, in which case please contact us prior to purchase.
It is asked in addition to cite study crosslances where possible.
For all the remaining details we stick to the common creative.
At the end of the kickstarter you will receive a signed return contract which will summarize these conditions.
These rights are valid forever.
Besides it has been decided to impose a minimum price of 3€ for single miniature printed and resold in 3D.
2€ if it is part off a team/set or bundle.
Crosslances studios is founded by 3 artists and their commons passion for the world of games. Students at the Comics courses in Florence, made by the greebo games sculptures, they approached the world of miniatures. It has actually become a revelant studio in the world of miniatures and digital miniatures prototyping. Our products can be found in many places, we had collaborations with: Mirliton, Labmasu, Megalith Godslayer, Hidden Dreams, Minuteman miniatures, Fireforge , and many others.
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